Usually in May

During this meeting, we will elect board members and our slate of officers for the 23-24 term. Please join us in welcoming our new board members and giving them your vote of confidence.

If you are not already a member, this would be a nice opportunity to meet the board and learn about what they have accomplished at the mansion and what the future holds for the mansion. Your membership is vital to the ongoing maintenance at the Governor Duncan Mansion.

Usually in May

This popular weekend event traces the history of our Jacksonville during the American Civil War, highlighting the efforts of our local general, Benjamin Grierson. For Grierson Days, the Duncan Mansion is typically open for tours on Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4. For more information about Grierson Days, visit

Usually in June

This fun filled summer event is held on the lawn of the Duncan Mansion, and typically includes a social hour, dinner, live benefit auction, and live music throughout the evening. All proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the Governor Duncan Mansion.

Usually in August

Join us on the lawn of the Mansion each August for our Ice Cream Social. Enjoy delicious desserts while relaxing on the lawn of the mansion, enjoying visiting with friends and neighbors while listening to entertainment by the Summer Community Band. This Annual Event is one of our most popular. All proceeds to benefit the Duncan Mansion.

Usually in September

Held the third Friday of September annually, the Jacksonville Middle School students tour the neighborhood throughout the day. Signs indicating historic sites will be placed along State Street, West College Ave. and other locations, and the public is invited to explore the information at their leisure.