The Mansion is open for tours Memorial Day to Labor Day, Wednesday and Saturday 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
To reserve group tours, please call 217-245-7023.
Duncan Park, Jacksonville, Illinois
The Mansion is located at #4 Duncan Place at the corner of West State Street and Webster Street in Jacksonville. It is at the north end of the circle drive that is within the park.
Suggested Donation: $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children to assist in the upkeep of the mansion. Group tours available at other times with advance reservation.
From Springfield/72:
Exit Morton Avenue and turn west into Jacksonville. Turn north onto Church Street, and west on West State Street. The Mansion is at the top of the curved drive in Duncan Park at the intersection of West State Street and Webster Street.
From Route 67:
Exit Morton Avenue and turn east into Jacksonville, turn north onto Westgate Avenue, then right on Mound Ave. Follow Mound around the curve until the street becomes College Ave. At Webster, turn north. The Mansion is at the top of the curved drive in Duncan Park at the intersection of West State Street and Webster Street.
From 267 South:
Stay on 267, which becomes South Main Street. Turn west on Morton Avenue, then north onto Church Street, and west on West State Street. The Mansion is at the top of the curved drive in Duncan Park at the intersection of West State Street and Webster Street.
From 78 North:
Stay on 78, which becomes North Main Street. Proceed to the Downtown Square, and turn west on West State Street. The Mansion is at the top of the curved drive in Duncan Park at the intersection of West State Street and Webster Street.

We hope you will spend more time in Jacksonville, discovering all the history and activities we have to offer. For more local information on area lodging, restaurants, or travel information, please visit the Jacksonville Area Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Discover the many connections that Abraham Lincoln had across Illinois.
The Mansion is pleased to have been chosen as a significant historic site in the Abraham Lincoln National Heritage Area. For more information on the mansion’s connections to Lincoln, as well as other Looking for Lincoln locations throughout Illinois, please visit the Looking for Lincoln web site.